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Thermomix for malted barley

PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 2021 1:30 pm
by 2deadly.308
I used my thermomix to grind some malted barley for a mash last night and am concerned I may have ground the barley too fine.

It was my first go at all grain and I did the conversion at 65°C and it ended up at 1.055 so I'm happy enough with that.

On further reading though I am worried that I ground it too fine and the husks may cause some bad flavours during fermentation...
I filtered out any large particals as I did the conversion in a brew in a bag, but will the husks (that were ground to a near flour like consistency and hence dissolved into the solution) cause any dramas?

I will invest in a grain mill before I do any AG again, but I am just curious to know whether ground barley husks will adversely affect my end product.

Sorry if this is a daft question.


Re: Thermomix for malted barley

PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 2021 3:57 pm
by bluc
I have read of tannins being extracted from husks and making spirit estringent from to long of a enzyme rest while mashing on the other end of the scale some places grind everything to flour then ferment for max volume then distill on the grain extracting every drop of flavour and alcohol.
I am still undecided on astringency and weather it is a permanant thing or something that comes and goes like the many other flavours and sensations that are in the spirits.