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Granny's Apple Pie Liqueur

PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2011 6:26 pm
by Heffers
I was wandering through the shops the other day and saw some rhubarb which got me thinking about apple and rhubarb pie; I was pretty keen on having a drink at the time too and I made the conceptual leap to having a go at some apple pie liqueur.

I now have two sticks of rhubarb, two royal gala apples and a good shake of cinnamon covered with 40% neutral and after 24 hours it really smells like an apple pie :P

I'll leave it for another five or six days and then drain and sugar the fruit. Might even throw a vanilla bean in for a couple of days.

Anyone ever done anything similar?

Cheers, Heffers

Re: Granny's Apple Pie Liqueur

PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2011 6:15 am
by R-sole
Yep, Apple Pie is big in the states. specially around the nascar scene apparently.

I make Wineos version and it's a terriffic sipper straight from the flask...

I'll put it in the proven section as it's made by many and deserved of a place there. 8-)

Re: Granny's Apple Pie Liqueur

PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2011 6:05 pm
by Heffers
5Star wrote:Yep, Apple Pie is big in the states. specially around the nascar scene apparently.

If it tastes as good as it smells I reckon that it might be pretty big around here too :P

This stuff is smelling awesome

Re: Granny's Apple Pie Liqueur

PostPosted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 7:33 pm
by Heffers
G'day to all,

After I finished making this mix I had a little taste and wasn't all that fussed so it sat in the back of the grog cupboard............until today.

Moved some bottles and there it was staring at me, so I thought why not have another little taste. Well fuck me in the hoop if this isn't a fantastic little drop. Just a little bit of time to mellow out and it's pretty damn good. Seems I'm learning the value of a bit of maturation time. Now I just need to learn the art of patience :)

Next time I reckon that I'll double the apple : rhubarb quantity and use cinnamon sticks instead of powder.

Cheers, Heffers

Re: Granny's Apple Pie Liqueur

PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 5:26 pm
by jeracoo
I found a nice little apple pie mix, put in 1.5 liter of 30% and 3 liters of apple juice then add about 50 grams of cinnamon powder, shake the mix for a few minutes and then leave overnight.

In the morning there should be a layer of cinnamon at the bottom what you want to do is either pour off the cider without disturbing the sludge at the bottom, otherwise you could just filter it out. I made a batch of this for my uni mates and they freakin love it, we drank a whole demijohn of it today, yum.