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a la carte work shop rabbit

PostPosted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 7:54 pm
by DrunkASAskunk
2 rabbits
corn flower
beef stock
veggie stock
1 out of control work shop to cook in
1 bottle of rum for medisinal purposes to help prevent dehydration

step 1.
Bone out rabbits place in pressure cooker for 45 minuets with 2 tea spoons of beef stock and 3 tea spoons of veggie stock also add your bones in to this as they have lots of flavor.

step 2.
This part can be done while your rabbits are being cooked in the pressure cooker. Take 2 liters of water 1 large camp oven and a out of control work shop and bring your water to the boil.
Add you veggies. You must use washed potatoes and don't peal them just dice with skin on. Once these are all most done your rabbit should be ready to be taken out of the cooker.

step 3.
Remove all bones from rabbit and place in the bin now take rabbit meat (yummy) and the stock left in the pressure cooker and add to you boiling veggies. Turn down heat and leave until your pumpkin
has dissolved.

step 4.
Now that your pumpkin has dissolved it is time to thicken and serve watch out you don't burn you tong and enjoy.

Re: a la carte work shop rabbit

PostPosted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 7:57 pm
by 1 2many
Looks like mighty fine tucker ,perfect winter meal with some fresh baked crusty bread. :handgestures-thumbupleft: