My VM Build

Reflux still design and discussion

Re: My VM Build

Postby bradsgonetrekkin » Sun Dec 04, 2011 6:52 pm

Hi js looks like we are in similar spots with our vm projects. Kinda cool hey.
You said 800ml per min take off, thats a lot :o . My 2.5 - 2 inch vm was doing approx 1.45l per hour (24.1ml per min) on the test run yestrday.
And yeah the safety thing is important. It doesn't take long for stuff to happen. I had to bolt to turn the tap on for the cooling water when my column started to sing yesterday too and the minor flooding / surging could have been a an issue with high alc and a flame if I wasn't watching..... One time I was running a still and had just had a quick pee, when I came back a water inlet hose had blown off, water everywhere, electricity, hot still, alc steam etc... Can't really leave these babies alone can we.
Posts: 184
Joined: Wed Apr 13, 2011 7:44 pm
Location: newcastle nsw
equipment: 18 gallon (80litre) ss keg boiler with 2400w and 1200w elements
65-50-35-19mm copper pot head/ stripper
2m high 65-50mm copper vapour management column with cross flow condensor head
630mm long 3/4 over 1/2 inch leibig and 32mm outer, 1/2 inch inner 'double barrel' interchangable condensors

Re: My VM Build

Postby JustStillin » Sun Dec 04, 2011 7:36 pm

800ml / min... wow, that would be incredibly fast hehehe
typo.. should have said 800ml/hour :angry-banghead:

BGT: yep, similar stages in our builds, i actually copied your liebig, so thanks for posting pics of it :-)
What size is the takeoff and the SS valve you use?
Posts: 92
Joined: Wed Nov 02, 2011 9:31 pm
Location: Melbourne, Australia
equipment: 4" Perforated plate still
50l keg boiler, 2 x 2400W elements.

Re: My VM Build

Postby bradsgonetrekkin » Sun Dec 04, 2011 8:07 pm

Ok 800ml an hour that does seem a bit low. I'm not an expert though. I ended up using a 50 mm tee, then reduced down to 32mm for the offtake branch, 32mm ss full bore ball valve, 32mm again to 90 degree bend then reduced to 3/4 for the condensor connection. Only reason I used 32mm was that I already had some. Many use 3/4 offtake branch with no dramas. don't know if it has anything to do with the not full bore opening size? But I guess its still got to reduce down to 1/2 inch through the condensor anyway, which isn't far along the line...
Posts: 184
Joined: Wed Apr 13, 2011 7:44 pm
Location: newcastle nsw
equipment: 18 gallon (80litre) ss keg boiler with 2400w and 1200w elements
65-50-35-19mm copper pot head/ stripper
2m high 65-50mm copper vapour management column with cross flow condensor head
630mm long 3/4 over 1/2 inch leibig and 32mm outer, 1/2 inch inner 'double barrel' interchangable condensors

Re: My VM Build

Postby JustStillin » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:44 pm

Used the VM for a stripping run yesterday, I removed all the packing and capped the top, worked ok, maxed out at 3l/hour.
Posts: 92
Joined: Wed Nov 02, 2011 9:31 pm
Location: Melbourne, Australia
equipment: 4" Perforated plate still
50l keg boiler, 2 x 2400W elements.


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