I've joined the Boka club!

Reflux still design and discussion

I've joined the Boka club!

Postby R3dRanga » Sat Dec 17, 2022 10:51 pm

Hey all,

I’ve recently acquired a pre-loved FSD Boka - thanks to a connection on this forum. She's called Beverly - or Bevy/Bev for short.

I did my first stripping run on Bevy last night and it went...?... ok. I had to cut it short to head out to dinner, so volume was lower than I could have achieved, but for a stripping run I'm chuffed with the output (smell) and learnings I got from my first use of Bevy-Boka.

Despite having great instructions on hand (compiled by posts/comments from Carol and others), I didn't keep the valve closed long enough. In hindsight I was very anxious, thinking that pressure would build up and it might go “kaboom”. But after re-reading various posts I feel ok if temp is monitored. A also have a better understanding of the reflux process going into the next run.

A few queries that I’m hoping the brains-trust can provide at least comments on:

The Boka feels very weighty and unstable over my 35L boiler. It could be that the lid hole is slightly too big causing a bit of horizontal give. A snug fit might resolve that (I have a lid with a smaller hole on back order - should be here this week). Is my 35L boiler suitable or should I consider upgrading to 65L?

Using a power controller, I lowered the power slightly to 80-90 once it first reached temperature, but soon after the temp drifted down so I set the power controller back to 100%. Throughout the run the temp never climbed again so I left it alone. In hindsight, I'm thinking that might be normal for a stripping run. Can I expect it to differ when doing a spirit run?

I also read here that a run can be stopped/paused and restarted. I probably could have done that last night when I knew there was more to get out of the wash but after 4 hours I had to abort. Anyone have a few tips and guidelines on when it is a good idea to continue the run and when it's ok to pause? If pausing, I suspect that a run would have to restart within say 24 hours or less - yeah?
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Re: I've joined the Boka club!

Postby RC Al » Sat Dec 17, 2022 11:16 pm


So if it ain't leaking, all is good...

4 hours for a spirit run is nothing.., try 8-14 on for size, once you work out some numbers for hobby sized boilers, its what you need for an optimal return for your time..

Do plan to look at the calcs for a spirit run, it's not a thing that happens in a hurry.

Pretty much the downside to interrupting any run is the boil up time, The quicker you resume the run, the less time and energy to get going again, a week or more later is pretty much no different to 18 hours later, depending upon how much insulation is in play
Last edited by RC Al on Sat Dec 17, 2022 11:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: I've joined the Boka club!

Postby Wellsy » Sun Dec 18, 2022 6:01 am

Sorry Red I have no experience with the boka so don’t understand how you vary the speed between a spirit and stripping run.
Just wanted to comment on the upgrade to a 65 litre. Many of the boilers I have seen have similar lids that flex a small amount which adds to the instability. The 65 will be taller and not necessarily twice as wide. This may add to the stability issues instead of fixing the problem. Especially as the wash gets lower in the boiler. Make sure to have a look in person rather than just online would be my suggestion. You could also look at the 5star 50 litre super stable because of its weight. The elements are exposed so that may be an issue depending how you do things.
Lastly make sure your power supply will handle the extra element needed to heat things up
First couple of runs are always learning curves
Good luck and remember this is fun :laughing-rolling:
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Re: I've joined the Boka club!

Postby Carol » Sun Dec 18, 2022 10:16 am

Congratulations on joining the Boka club.
I use the pot head for my stripping runs so I am not much help to you!
My Boka always felt a little unstable/wobbly particularly when I was attaching hoses etc but despite that I did not have any problems with it. I just treated it very carefully. The pot head felt more solid (I assume it is because it is not as tall - so lower centre of gravity).

I have stopped and started a run on occasions. I left the still set up and came back to it the next day, Just takes time to get it up to temperature again.
I do not use a power controller on the stripping run (pot head not boka).
I do use it on the spirit run and adjust the power as needed.

Cheers Carol
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Re: I've joined the Boka club!

Postby bluc » Fri Dec 23, 2022 8:32 pm

To strip...Adjust power so there is no escaping vapour then fully open valve..
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