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Ideas for a first time reflux build

PostPosted: Sun Jan 11, 2015 5:31 pm
by Rowey
I was wondering if I could get some ideas on a reflux build for vodkas mainly. Something a couple of beginners could make and operate so we can get our heads around the workings. We have access to a workshop with all of the tools required. We have a couple of 55l kegs that we would like to use for the boiler set up gas heating would be used.


Re: Ideas for a first time reflux build

PostPosted: Sun Jan 11, 2015 5:36 pm
by 1 2many
Have a look through this section mate, it will get you started. :handgestures-thumbupleft:

Reflux stills

Re: Ideas for a first time reflux build

PostPosted: Sun Jan 11, 2015 5:40 pm
by MacStill
Check out this link Brendan posted, it has some great info on all types of stills :handgestures-thumbupleft:

Types of Stills - LM, VM, CM...What do they mean?



Re: Ideas for a first time reflux build

PostPosted: Sun Jan 11, 2015 6:08 pm
by Zzpop
Hi Rowey
Bit of a newb myself.I have just built myself a 2" Boka with Info on this forum it's all there if your prepared to read.If I had known I would have gone with the double reducer Boka.My Boka is a bit slow but I am having a ball learning to drive it.A great place to start and easy to convert to VM later on.Must be working bit pissed now on TPW vodka :obscene-drinkingchug:

Re: Ideas for a first time reflux build

PostPosted: Sun Jan 11, 2015 6:32 pm
by Rowey
Hi Zztop,
I have been reading a lot on here probably too much because I keep changing my mind. I am just wondering if measurements and angles ect affect the operation or if its not that critical and just have a go and see what happens. I guess I just feel better starting off with building something with plans and measurements.

That TPW is the go!! I am just having a few now watching another lot go through my still :obscene-drinkingdrunk:

Cheers for the replies

Re: Ideas for a first time reflux build

PostPosted: Sun Jan 11, 2015 6:42 pm
by 1 2many
Check this build by Hardie355 3"Boka it's coming along real nice.

Re: Ideas for a first time reflux build

PostPosted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 5:33 pm
by nuns
I have been using a home-built/designed reflux still for some years now with great success. It's old, basic and works.

The reflux still consists of an 80L keg as the boiler (one of the old 18 gallon SS kegs) and a 65mm SS column about 2100mm high with the condenser coming off the side of the top cactus style. Heat is a 3.6kW element. Packing is SS scrubbers and a thermostat is at the top at the point the vapour exits the column. The controller is set at 79 C to prevent any of the tails coming over when unattended. I chose a long column to get good separation of fractions during reflux. The column is not insulated as this would defeat the purpose of the long column. Full flow rate is about 240ml/min and the output is between 10-12% at 20-24ml/min. Purity achieved is ~96% at SG = 0.80 using an hydrometer. I always reflux totally for 2 hours before I start to draw the heads and cut based on taste and smell, but generally I separate the first 200-500ml as cleaning fluid/solvent and keep the next 5L for the next run. The rest is mine! I don't cut the tails as I find with this length of column, good separation occurs and as the fractions move up the column as ethanol is exhausted, temperature will suddenly rise - at this point I shut the still down. Propan-2-ol isopropanol) forms an azeotrophe with BP 80.37 °C and propanol azeotrophe BP is about 88 C so I don't want the top of the still to reach 80 C.

My usual process is to ferment in a separate large SS tun using a sugar wash and yeast. This tun has 2/4.8kW elements and is used as a stripper when fermentation has finished. The lid is sealed and a large condenser coil fitted. I strip everything down to about 10% or when it tastes watery. No controller is used on the stripper as I want all the ethanol which will include the heads and some tails which are then removed using the reflux still.

I will post photos when I take some - I did have some but computer died....

It works for me.

Re: Ideas for a first time reflux build

PostPosted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 6:55 pm
by Sam.
Howdy nuns, it isn't advised to leave a still unattended unless you want to burn your place down :handgestures-thumbdown:

Also you got any copper in your vapour path with your ss still with ss packing?

Also great second post, how about an intro in the welcome centre ;-)

Re: Ideas for a first time reflux build

PostPosted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 9:18 pm
by Rowey
Hi Sam,

What part of SA you from? I grew up down that way. Around the murray.

Re: Ideas for a first time reflux build

PostPosted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 11:45 pm
by Sam.
Rowey wrote:Hi Sam,

What part of SA you from? I grew up down that way. Around the murray.

It's in my profile mate on yorkes :handgestures-thumbupleft:

Re: Ideas for a first time reflux build

PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 12:10 am
by TheMechwarrior
Rowey wrote:I was wondering if I could get some ideas on a reflux build for vodkas mainly. Something a couple of beginners could make and operate so we can get our heads around the workings. We have access to a workshop with all of the tools required. We have a couple of 55l kegs that we would like to use for the boiler set up gas heating would be used.


Mate if I were you...I'd look to the AD "for sale" section...
For example: $200 = 2.5" BOKA ready to ROCK "N" ROLL
Or this combo for $350



Re: Ideas for a first time reflux build

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 6:20 pm
by Rowey
Cheers Mech,

I bought one from the for sale section, just waiting for it to arrive now. Can't wait to give it a run, going to use gas for a start. Is electric or gas better for heat control or much the same?. The one I bought is a stainless column should I pack it with copper or stainless??.

Cheers Rowey

Re: Ideas for a first time reflux build

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 6:39 pm
by TheMechwarrior
Rowey wrote:Cheers Mech,

I bought one from the for sale section, just waiting for it to arrive now. Can't wait to give it a run, going to use gas for a start. Is electric or gas better for heat control or much the same?. The one I bought is a stainless column should I pack it with copper or stainless??.

Cheers Rowey

Well done to you and thanks to the seller for considering the community.

You'll take off quickly with a prebuilt and proven system, it won't be long before you'll be looking at some shiny new FSD gear for your next upgrade!
Enjoy mate, this is a lifelong hobby, very enjoyable and very rewarding.



Re: Ideas for a first time reflux build

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 8:44 pm
by woodduck
Congrats on your purchase mate :handgestures-thumbupleft:

On the packing you definitely need some copper in there. Macs copper is great and if you can i would use all copper but you can get away with some stainless scrubbers in there as well.

On the gas v electric, i personally went electric because i see to be a bit safer. I just didn't like the whole flammable vapour over flame thing. It is a personal thing i think as well as some blokes just can't get the access to power where they still. If you go with electric remember to check that your power source can handle the watts needed, you may need a power upgrade. As for control you can make a power controller to regulate the input (there are a few threads on that).

Enjoy the new rig.

Re: Ideas for a first time reflux build

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 9:28 pm
by Rowey
Thanks Woodduck,

If copper packing is the go I will use that for sure!. If the gas doesn't work out I will go electric as my mate that is also getting involved in stilling is a sparky and has a workshop with all the tools required for any mods required.

Which corner of country SA you from? I grew up on the Murray

Cheers Rowey

Re: Ideas for a first time reflux build

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 9:42 pm
by woodduck
I'm in the south east mate, an hour or so from the murray. I do venture up to the river every now and then though, i do like the riverland.

If you go gas make sure your take off is a fair way from the burner, you don't want a spill to catch fire.

Re: Ideas for a first time reflux build

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 10:01 pm
by Rowey
I will defiantly make sure we are collecting a fair distance from the burner.

If I were to go electric would 1 element be enough to run the still even if it takes longer to heat up?.

Re: Ideas for a first time reflux build

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 10:15 pm
by Meatheadinc
2400w element will be fine

Re: Ideas for a first time reflux build

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 10:43 pm
by Rowey
Meatheadinc wrote:2400w element will be fine

2400w is all good for a 55l keg and a 1.6m SS boka column?

Re: Ideas for a first time reflux build

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 11:18 pm
by Meatheadinc
2.5" diameter ? will be fine.
A 3600w element would be nice on a controller however you will require a 15A outlet