G'day Guy's,
Well plenty of us are going to get these BIAB bag's so we need to be smart about it :handgestures-thumbupleft:
Trying to squeeze these bag's to get all the of the goodness out is going to be a nightmare :angry-banghead: Sure one can sit there and just squeeze for days but still leave a heap of moisture in the bag.
As you guy's know living off the grid is to you guy's like I'm living in a cave :teasing-tease: but what does a power bill look like again :laughing-rolling:
Now let's say and this will be my case a 60 litre fermenter is going to be used, a beam will be placed above so a pulley system can be setup rather than a chainblock as we don't want rusty matter entering our wash. Now could just elevate it to drip but infection will occur so that is ruled out. :handgestures-thumbupleft:
24 volt wiper motors off trucks can be found at wreckers very cheaply and that will be the power source for the twin roller setup we will make. Now think back in time when SWMBO had to squeeze the washing between 2 rollers from a by gone age :teasing-tease: That is the concept I do think is the best system to use and just let gravity take it's course.
Some will say I'm on the grid so how will I power the 24 volt motor :teasing-tease: well one could just use 2 batteries in series or use the setup will describe where a 240 volt power source will be used with full speed control of the rollers.
Now for the pulley system these can be found at garage sales and secondhand shops as we will use the gearing ratio to our advantage and provide the slip needed for the BIAB to lower when needed.
As the bag's are a few weeks away lets have a discussion about this and my concepts about this issue.
Come on we can be smart about this so lets start.
Cheers Bryan