a bit of a copy and paste from home distiller
Hello everyone
New to the forum, there is some fantastic info on here very relevant to AUS
Originally bought the still to make neutrals to make liquors and infusions but now would like to do that Rum and bourbon so bought a 4" 4 bubble plate still - hopefully this is the correct option waiting for it to arrive
the equipment i currently have
"Super reflux condenser" still head on a 25l electric boiler bought secondhand without knowing how bad it is
25l and 30L fermenters
a few 5l demis
voltage controller
PID - never used and will either be repurposed or binned after reading the forums
Some kegs for long temp aging
currently have 4 tpw washs , 1 ujssm and a nutri
once i get a few gens deeper into the uj and nutri ill run 2 of each
then just run wbab instead of tpw for a vodkaish product, kinda went overboard on buying flavourings
been trying to read through alot of the main topics , lot of info to get through