by emptyglass » Tue Apr 23, 2013 9:42 pm
Buy yourself some time, since you got so much,
Get the little plummy fuckers in a drum/s with some water. After 4 days they just go to goo and mashing them up is so much easier.
If you could juice a ton of plums before they rot, your doing well.
Either way, you're going to want to shake your money maker, or you'll have sticky, oozy, plum juice all over the place!
Just my preference, but there is heaps of yeast on the plums that came with them, why use something else?
I don't know too much about this toutchy topic, but I don't like to crush the pits, rumor has it they contain cyanide type stuff, but are ok not crushed. Too aggressive on the paint stirrer can split them.
My chzech mate drinks the stuff by the shot glass, I hope you plan to do the same. Pissa score mate.