First TPW run

Sugar wash info and questions

First TPW run

Postby Sam. » Fri Jul 22, 2011 6:58 pm

Have just finished running my first Tomato Paste Wash thru the still and must say it is a lot better than I expected! I did not even get any tomato tastes at all. I have not diluted anything yet but first impression tasting straight off the still is that is doesn't have that sweet taste that you seem to get with the turbos. Think I might run some through the carbon just to see the difference but it should be allright once its cut down anyway.

Another thing I noticed is that the last few turbo runs I did I had problems with it foaming through the columns, even to the point that getting to 84 degrees it was pushing wash into my collecting container! With the TPW I ran it out to 95 degrees (because I could) and it came out fine (wouldn't drink it tho)

This also got me to thinking at what point have you collected every last drop of alcohol out of the wash? Do you need to run it up near 100 then wait until is stops?

Any thoughts?
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Re: First TPW run

Postby R-sole » Sat Jul 23, 2011 6:13 am

Till it's about 20% abv. That's when it seems to get too exe to extract what is really only just twice as strong or less than a wash.
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Re: First TPW run

Postby Sam. » Sat Jul 23, 2011 9:20 am

I took a reading just before I killed the burner and it was 40% I think it would have dropped off fairly fast from there if I could have been arsed running it any longer, if you are only supposed to get around 1L per kg of sugar at 40% I reckon I got all of that
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equipment: Original FSD 5 plate 4 inch modular bubbler SSG with hand crafted plates and parrot by Mac.
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2 x 2400W elements and power controller.

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