This recipe has proved popular with my taste testers. It has been adapted from the recipe for Raspberry Liqueur (Vargos and Gulling, Cordials from your Kitchen, 1997).
500g frozen cherries
1 cup sugar
1 bottle red moscato ( or other sweet wine)
500ml neutral at 40%
12 allspice berries
6 cardamon pods
Place all ingredients in a large glass jar and leave to infuse for about 4 weeks, stirring now and then.
Strain and bottle.
I remove the spices and freeze the boozy cherries to use in a dessert later.
The basic recipe of frozen fruit, sugar, wine and neutral can be tweaked to your liking.
I have done raspberries with crouchen riesling, bluberries with crouchen riesling, passionfruit with white moscato and mango with white moscato, all without spices. The berries had a stronger flavour than the passionfruit and mango.
I recently bought some DIY teabags in DAISO for my spice infusions to make it easier to remove them.